As the gatekeepers of our homes we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create healthy habits for ourselves and our families. Anytime is a great time to start ditching and switching but almost everyone LOVES FALL SCENTS so now makes the PERFECT TIME TO START!
Why do I LOVE diffusing?
It is not secrect that most of my diffusers are going 24 hours a day! One of the best things about Seed to Seal Premium Essential Oils is that they not only smell incredible, they have a huge positive impact on our health. We can diffuse blends that support immunity, our respiratory systems, healthy sleep, focus and mental clarity, emotional support and more. We can fill our homes with the scents of the season without burning chemicals or using ingredients that harm our health.
A few notes on FRAGRANCE....
If you turn over your favorite products, you'll often find the word 'FRAGRANCE' in the ingredients.
Fragrance chemicals are organic compounds that volatilize, or vaporize into the air, which is why we can smell them. They are added to household and personal care products to give them a scent. Unfortunately, the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs - think the smell of paint thinner) emitted by fragrance products can contribute to poor indoor air quality and are associated with a variety of adverse health effect. They are the last thing you want in a product you are burning or spraying in your home.
It gets worse!
Did you know that to protect trade secrects, makers are allowed to withold fragrance ingredients, so consumers can't rely on lables to know what hazards may lunk inside of those festive scented candles, room sprays, wall plugs & perfumes,) This is called a "fragrance loophole" in federal labeling law!
According to the EWG "Exposure to fragrance chemicals can cause headaces; eye, nose, and throat irritation; nausea, forgetfulness; loss or coordination; and other respiratory symptoms. Many fragrance ingredients are respiratory irritants, which can trigger asthma attacks and aggravate sinus conditions."
A study done by the Toronto Indoor Air Conference found that women who work from home or stay at home moms have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home. The study concluded it was a direct result of the much higher exposure rate to toxic chemicals found in common household products!
This is my why! This is why I am so passionate about helping families find simple and cost effective ways to Ditch the conventional products and switch to a clean, effective and safe products. Young Living NEVER uses fragrance IN ANY OF THEIR PRODUCTS--- they don't even need to because of the incredible essential oils.
Make a simple switch with a huge impact and switch out those scented candles, plug ins, and room spritzers today!
I am here to keep it simple!